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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Captain the ship is going down!

Capitan, the ship has gone down! Laser beams ready. It's been awhile since I have posted to this blog. Not for lack of things to say, for I have many things to say, but because this blog is being watched by nefarious people for nefarious reasons and I don't take kindly to threats of using my words against me in some twisted little exercise aimed to discredit women from speaking out against violence done against us.  So...I hereby declare that you have not managed to cow me into silence. You may have won this round (if by won you mean you walked away free) but you have not broken me, or my spirit.

I wanted to write about so many issues that are of so much importance to me, many of them sensitive, trigger worthy and anger inducing. Of course, I will also write about great things - art, music, friends, laughter, the brighter side of life. Right now though I am a little more than pissed off at life.   For one - it is cold outside. Very cold. Second, I was fired from my job. Fired! I haven't been fired from a job since I was a teenager. The reason for this firing? Well, let's just say that a person can only stand to be bullied and humiliated for a brief period of time. There is NO merit to the saying that if you verbally beat down your employees and instill fear into them that they will be more productive. They will not. They will leave, or write you an email explaining why your actions are unacceptable, then get fired. It isn't going to matter how much you pay the next person to do the same job as long as you don't change a thing. But that is no longer my problem.

Now I am stuck in the bad position of having to look for yet another decent paying job and somehow explain what happened at my last two jobs. Great for me huh? Funny thing is, I am not allowed to explain anything, so once again they won and I lost and there is NO recourse. I have to make up lies, and I hate lying. Especially when I did nothing to warrant being in this position. Who will take me on as an employee? I don't know, but I hope someone will just interview me, see I am a good hard ethical worker and hire me.

One thing I refuse to do is dummy down my resume. If employers are not interesting in anyone with higher education than they are not the people I want to work for. I busted my ass for my degrees and believe me, as a young single parent I can guarantee you that I have worked much harder than many many people to get these Degrees.  All day today, applying for jobs. Hoping to hell I get at least one phone call and very few recruiters. I prefer to deal directly with companies. I present well in interviews so I have that going for me.  Okay, so onward and upward. I have this new goal - apply for at least 20 jobs a day - starting today (done!) and continue on until I get something that doesn't pay 12 - 16 an hour. That is barely manageable. Really.

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